I have a multidisciplinary background with a focus on quantitative and computational methodologies for communication and social sciences. I have extensive experience in analyzing digital media data using statistical and computational methods.
After graduating from a high school that emphasized solid foundations in math and science, I enrolled in a multidisciplinary social science degree program at the University of Verona, where I studied a range of subjects including quantitative and qualitative research, sociology, psychology, philosophy, and epistemology. I was then admitted to the PhD program in Sociology and Social Research as the top candidate. During my PhD program, I further developed my skills in quantitative and qualitative social science methodologies, as well as my proficiency in using R for computational and digital media analysis.
After obtaining my Ph.D., I served as a teaching and research assistant at the University of Verona and was then employed as a postdoctoral researcher at the University of Urbino, where I honed my expertise in computational social science and statistics by participating in international research projects directed by Fabio Giglietto, professor of Internet Studies.
In October 2020 I started as a Universitätsassistant postdoc (non-tenure track Assistant Professor) at the University of Vienna in the team of Annie Waldherr, professor of Computational Communication Science and chair of the Computational Method division of the International Communication Association. There, I was research associate at the Computational Communication Science Lab, and I taught advanced data analysis and methodological courses at both the Master’s and Bachelor’s levels.
In Vienna, I directed a research project funded by the Media Authority of North Rhine-Westphalia that focused on mapping social media communication leading up to German elections, I have co-led an international research project examining social media communication of environmental movements and climate change deniers (PolarVis), and co-supervised two Ph.D. theses and supervised several Bachelor’s theses.
In February 2024, I started as a tenure-track Assistant Professor of Digital Methods at the University of Urbino Carlo Bo (Italy).
Over the years I have developed an international network. I was research fellow at the Weizenbaum Institute for the Networked Society in Berlin (2021) and ZeMKI, Centre for Media, Communication and Information Research in Bremen (2024). I have collaborated with several international scholars.