
I have more than 400 in class teaching hours as a head teacher (University of Vienna, University of Verona, University of Urbino Carlo Bo) and guest lecturer (e.g., Freie Universität Berlin, University of Padua, Luiss School of Government). Listed below are the main courses and seminars I have taught so far as a head teacher.

  • (2020 – 2023 ) SE BASE Bachelor Seminar (Bachelor in Communication Science, University of Vienna, Austria. Language: English)
  • (2020) Sociology of Cultural Processes (Bachelor in Communication Science, University of Verona, Italy. Language: Italian)
  • (2019) General Sociology (Master in Philosophy, University of Verona, Italy. Language: Italian)


  • (2024) Computational Methods for Social Research (Seminar for Ph.D. students at University of Cagliari).
  • (2023) Computational Text Analysis With R (Three day seminar for Ph.D. and post-doctoral scholars of the University of Urbino, Italy. Language: English)