Journal articles (peer-reviewed)
[29] Righetti, N. (2025). The Multiple Nuances of Online Firestorms: The Case of a Pro-Vietnam Attack on the Facebook Digital Embassy of China in Italy Amidst the Pandemic. Italian Sociological Review, 15(1), 1.
[28] Righetti, N. (2024). A. Bruns (2024). È vero che internet ci chiude in una bolla? Una prospettiva critica su filter bubble ed echo chamber. Comunicazione politica, Quadrimestrale dell’Associazione Italiana di Comunicazione Politica 3/2024, pp. 466-469, doi: 10.3270/115254
[27] Kulichkina, A., Righetti, N., Waldherr, A. (2024). Protest and Repression on Social Media: Pro-Navalny and Pro-Government Mobilization Dynamics and Coordination Patterns on Russian Twitter. New Media & Society.
[26] Righetti, N., & Bertuzzi, N. (2024). Rethinking Veganism in the Digital Age. Innovating Methodology and Typology to Explore a Decade of Facebook Discourses. Sociological Research Online.
[25] Locatelli, E., Lovari, A., Righetti, N. (2024). When Public Health Communication Intertwines With Social Media Logic. A Focus on the Early Phase of COVID-19 Pandemic in Italy. Comunicazioni sociali, 2024, n. 1, 21-36. Published online June 2024
[24] Giglietto, F., Righetti, N., Stanziano, A. (2024). Analisi Computazionale del Parallelismo Politico in Italia: Il Caso delle Elezioni 2022 (Computational Analysis of Political Parallelism in Italy: The Case of 2022 Elections), in Bentivegna, S., Boccia Artieri, G. (eds.), “Analisi di una vittoria annunciata. Trasformazioni dell’agenda pubblica e campagna elettorale 2022”. Il Mulino, Bologna.
[23] Ducci, G., Lovari, A., Righetti, N. (2024). Challenges in Communicating Public Health Data An Analysis of Italian Regions’ Social Media Use During the Covid-19 Pandemic on Facebook. European Journal of Health Communication vol. 2 n. 5 “Aarhus Best Papers Special Issue”.
[22] Lovari, A., Righetti, N. (2023). Pandemic Communication and Problematic Information. In Palgrave Encyclopedia of the Health Humanities.
[21] Righetti, N., Rossi, L., Marino, G. (2022). Geographic and Disciplinary Boundaries in Researching Problematic COVID-19 Information at the Onset of the Pandemic. First Monday, Volume 27, Number 7 – 4 July 2022.
[20] Marchetti, R., Righetti, N., Pagiotti, S., Stanziano, A. (2022). Right-wing populism and political instrumentalization of religion: the Italian debate on Salvini’s use of religious symbols on Facebook. Journal of Religion in Europe, special issue Populism and Religion (eds. Dieckhoff, A., & Portier, P.)
[19] Rossi, L., Righetti, N., Marino, G. (2021). (Nearly) ten years of social media and political elections in Italy: Questions, platforms, and methods. Social Media & Society.
[18] Righetti, N. (2021). The Anti-Gender Debate on Social Media. A Computational Communication Science Analysis of Networks, Activism, and Misinformation. Comunicazione Politica 2/2021, 223-250
[17] Righetti, N. (2021). Four Years of Fake News. A Quantitative Analysis of the Scientific Literature. First Monday, 26(6-7), June 2021.
[16] Righetti, N. (2021). The Impact of the Politicization of Health on Online Misinformation and Quality Information on Vaccines. Italian Sociological Review, 11(2), pp. 443-466.
[15] Righetti, N., Bertuzzi, N. (2020). Digital Animal Advocacy: A Study on Facebook Communication Styles of Italian Animal Rights Organizations and their Followers’ Reactions. Mediascapes Journal, 16/2020, pp. 128-150.
[14] Lovari, A., Righetti, N. (2020). La comunicazione pubblica della salute tra infodemia e fake news: il ruolo della pagina Facebook del Ministero della Salute nella sfida social al Covid-19. Mediascapes Journal, 15/2020, pp. 156-173.
[13] Giglietto, F., Righetti, N., Rossi, L., Marino, G. (2020). It Takes a Village to Manipulate the Media: Coordinated Link Sharing Behavior During 2018 and 2019 Italian elections. Information, Communication & Society.
[12] Lovari, A., Martino, V., & Righetti, N. (2020). Blurred Shots: Investigating the Information Crisis Around Vaccination in Italy. American Behavioral Scientist. 0002764220910245.
[11] Farci, M., Righetti, N. (2019). Italian Men’s Rights Activism and the Online Backlash Against Feminism. Rassegna Italiana di Sociologia, 4, 2019, ottobre-dicembre.
[10] Righetti, N., Carradore, M. (2019). From robots to social robots. Trends, representation and Facebook engagement of robot-related news stories published by Italian online news media. Italian Sociological Review 9(3). DOI:
[9] Giglietto, F., Righetti, N., Marino, G. (2019). Il sistema dei media digitali in Italia nei sei mesi precedenti le elezioni politiche 2018. Comunicazionepuntodoc. ISSN 2282-0140
[8] Giglietto, F., Valeriani, A., Righetti, N., Marino, G. (2019). Diverging patterns of interaction around news on social media: insularity and partisanship during the 2018 Italian election campaign. Information, Communication & Society. DOI:
[7] Giglietto, F., Righetti, N., Marino, G., Rossi, L. (2019). Multi-Party Media Partisanship Attention Score: estimating partisan attention of news media sources using Twitter data in the lead-up to 2018 Italian election. Comunicazione Politica, n.1/2019, pp. 85-108. DOI: 10.3270/93030
[6] Righetti, N., Giglietto, F., Marino, G. (2019). L’Europa fra casa e gabbia: tono, frame ed engagement delle notizie sulle istituzioni europee nei mesi precedenti le elezioni 2018 (Europe as home, Europe as cage. Tone, frames and engagement on European Union before 2018 Italian election). Problemi dell’Informazione, n. 1/Aprile 2019. DOI: 10.1445/92856
[5] Righetti, N. (2018). Il veganismo tra mainstream e controcultura (Veganism halfway between mainstream and counterculture). Micro & Macro Marketing, 1/2018, aprile, pp. 109-130. DOI: 10.1431/89486
[4] Righetti, N. (2016). L’inchiostro digitale è vegano? La rappresentazione del veganismo sulla stampa (Is Digital Ink Vegan? The Representation of Veganism in the Italian Press). Cambio. Rivista sulle trasformazioni sociali, Anno VI, Numero 11/Giugno 2016.
[3] Righetti, N. (2015). Watching over the Sacred Boundaries of the Family. Study on the Standing Sentinels and Cultural Resistance to LGBT Rights. Italian Sociological Review 6(2): 265-292 DOI:
[2] Righetti, N. (2014). The Sacred in Current Social Sciences Research. Italian Sociological Review 4(1):133-163 DOI:
[1] Righetti, N. (2013). Sacredness of the Book: an Exploratory Research. Italian Sociological Review 3(1): 1-12. DOI:
Conference Proceedings
[5] Righetti, N., Rossi, L., & Marino, G. (2021). Into the Belly of the Beast: The Research on Covid-19 and Minsinformation in 2020. In AoIR Selected Papers of Internet Research.
[4] Giglietto, F., Righetti, N., Rossi, L., & Marino, G. (2021). CooRnet: An Integrated Approach to Surface Problematic Content, Malicious Actors, and Coordinated Networks. In AoIR Selected Papers of Internet Research.
[3] Giglietto, F., Righetti, N., Rossi, L., & Marino, G. (2020, July). Coordinated Link Sharing Behavior as a Signal to Surface Sources of Problematic Information on Facebook. In International Conference on Social Media and Society (pp. 85-91).
[2] Giglietto F., Righetti, N., Marino, G., (2020). Detecting Coordinated Link Sharing Behavior on Facebook during the Italian Coronavirus Outbreak. In AoIR Selected Papers of Internet Research, 2020
[1] Giglietto F., Righetti, N., Marino, G., (2019). API and Beyond: Detecting Coordinated Behaviors in Facebook Interactions Around Political News Stories. In AoIR Selected Papers of Internet Research, 2019.
Book Chapters
[6] Giglietto, F., Valeriani, A., Righetti, N., Marino, G. (2022). “Diverging patterns of interaction around news on social media: insularity and partisanship during the 2018 Italian election campaign”, in Walker, S., Mercea, D., Bastos, M., Disinformation and Data Lockdown on Social Platforms, pp. 80-99, Routledge, Taylor & Francis.
[5] Lovari, A., Ducci, G., Righetti, N. (2021). “Responding to Fake News: The use of Facebook for public health communication during the COVID-19 pandemic in Italy”. In Communicating COVID-19: Interdisciplinary Perspectives. Palgrave Macmillan
[4] Lovari, A., Righetti, N. (2021). La comunicazione pubblica della salute alla sfida dell’infodemia e delle fake news. In Boccia Artieri, G., Farci, M. (eds.), Shockdown. Media, cultura, comunicazione e ricerca nel Covid-19. Meltemi editore.
[3] Giglietto, F., Valeriani, A., Righetti, N., Marino, G. (2019). Ogni comunità è un’isola? Polarizzazione, amplificazione e re-framing dell’informazione sui social media durante la campagna delle elezioni politiche 2018, in Bentivegna, S., Boccia Artieri, G. (eds), Niente di nuovo sul fronte mediale. Agenda pubblica e campagna elettorale. Franco Angeli, Milano. ISBN: 9788891781901 (preprint available here)
[2] Righetti, N. (2019). Sfide e limiti del veganismo. Vegefobia, mass media e mercato, in Bertuzzi N., Reggio M. (eds), Smontare la gabbia. Anticapitalismo e movimento di liberazione animale. Mimesis Editore, Milano. ISBN:9788857547169 (preprint available here)
[1] Righetti, N. (2017), Lo spazio del sacro, in Baldin S., Zago M. (eds.), Luoghi dell’anima, anime in cammino. Riflessioni su eredità culturale e turismo religioso. FrancoAngeli, Milano, pp. 15-23. ISBN: 9788891757456 (preprint available here)
[2] Righetti, N. (2018), Tra sacro e vegano, Ferrari Editore. ISBN: 9788899971663
[1] Righetti, N. (2018), Le forme materiali della vita religiosa, Franco Angeli, Milano. ISBN:9788891754042 (preprint available here)
[4] Righetti, N., Giglietto, F., Kakavand, A.E., Kulichkina, A., Marino, G., Terenzi, M. (2022). Politische Werbung und Koordiniertes Verhalten in Sozialen Medien im Vorfeld der Bundestagswahl 2021. Landesanstalt für Medien Nordrhein Westfalen.
[3] Righetti, N., Giglietto, F., Kakavand, A.E., Kulichkina, A., Marino, G., Terenzi, M. (2022). Political Advertisement and Coordinated Behavior on Social Media in the Lead-Up to the 2021 German Federal Elections. Landesanstalt für Medien Nordrhein Westfalen.
[2] Giglietto, F., Righetti, N., Marino, G. (2019, September 20). Understanding Coordinated and Inauthentic Link Sharing Behavior on Facebook in the Run-Up to 2018 General Election and 2019 European Election in Italy. DOI:
[1] Giglietto, F., Iannelli, L., Rossi, L., Valeriani, A., Righetti, N., Carabini, F., Marino, G., Zurovac, E (2018), Mapping Italian News Media Political Coverage in the Lead-Up to 2018 General Election. DOI:
[5] Giglietto, F., Rossi, L., Righetti, N. (2022) Unexpected consequences of a simple threshold: the effect of the 100 public shares on Meta’s URL Shares Dataset.
[4] Righetti, N., Rossi, L., Marino, G. (2021). The 2020 Research on Problematic Information on the COVID19 Pandemic. A Systematic Literature Review.
[3] Righetti, N. (2021, March 11). Four Years of Fake News. A Quantitative Analysis of the Scientific Literature.
[2] Righetti, N. (2020, April 16). Health Politicization and Misinformation on Twitter. A Study of the Italian Twittersphere from Before, During and After the Law on Mandatory Vaccinations.
[1] Righetti, N. (2016), Spirito e materia. Sacro e cultura materiale nel mondo religioso e secolare.
[2] Righetti N, Balluff P (2023). CooRTweet: Coordinated Networks Detection on Social Media. R package version 1.3,
[1] Giglietto, F., Righetti, N., & Rossi, L. (2020). CooRnet. Detect coordinated link sharing behavior on social media.